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Have you ever wondered why in the age of constant communication and infinite ways to contact others; we feel lonelier than ever? 


It is the phenomenon of imaginary and/or virtual relationships. Relationships that never formed in an organic and natural way but forced by logarithmic make believe.

There are plenty of websites and apps that "facilitate" a romantic engagement, but they are generally expensive and full of uncertainties.

How do you know the information presented is true and how do you know the picture actually represents the individual who is trying to connect?


You really don't.


Sure, there are success stories. Everything at one point or another will succeed in some way and some people do genuinely prefer this approach.

Z for LOVE takes the best out of old-style dating while creating a "safe" space to "know," "wonder" and perhaps take a risk.

Let's face it, you may already know that very person you want to talk to or take out to dinner.


Someone you work with, that guy at church or some attractive woman who belongs to the same organization as you.


You definitely do not need to look for someone else and the endless parade of pictures and self-aggrandizing statements get old.

Do you just clam up and cannot get any words out while sweat drips down your shirt?


Maybe that initial approach just needs to be "buffered" by the digital workings of your email account.

Do you get tired of settling for doing nothing and letting opportunities pass you by?

Maybe it is time to wake up and smell the coffee!

And what if.... Do they feel the same as you do?

Maybe they just need an opportunity to say something.

You just want a chance at love but do not have the courage just yet to approach them with that sentiment in mind.

Z for LOVE provides you with the tool to get closer without getting burnt.

So how does it work??

  1. Identify your person

  2. Have their email address handy

  3. Fill out the Z for the LOVE template

  4. Send it out and cross your fingers

  5. Wait for a response...

What is Z for Love?

Now, are you really ready for LOVE?

Always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.


Hopes are great and all but sometimes plans do not work.


Be prepared for that eventuality and know that there is always the next possibility, and that practice does make perfect.

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